Hi all:
Our November live meet-up will be tomorrow around this time on Zoom.
Here’s what you need to know….
Time: Nov 15, 2022 07:00 PM London (EST 2pm; PST 11am, CET 8pm, China 3am 🙀)
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7442765872?pwd=QlQwa1EzU3Y3aEpHb1cvUTdiL1l1QT09
Meeting ID: 744 276 5872
Passcode: TMM88
The format will be a conversation between me and our editor, Zoe Qian.
We will discuss your questions about your language learning challenges, any content you’ve read in the newsletter, and on the membership product.
We’ll chat for around 30 minutes. And we’ll publish the audio recording as a member-only podcast shortly after.
There are three ways to ask a question:
Via this Google form - click through and send us your question!
In the comments section of this post - see ‘Leave a Comment’ button below
In the chat box during the live session (because we are recording the audio as a podcast we will take questions via text rather than audio)
We’ll aim to answer 3-5 questions in the live session. Some questions submitted so far include:
Just for curiosity, how do you pick the articles for Slow Chinese?
Any advice on finding opportunities to communicate in Chinese?
What are your tips to improve comprehension? I feel like I’m working on reading, listening, and speaking all at once, sometimes I feel like I’m just getting surface understanding.
I often feel I use the same words/phrases over and over and my short-term memory is weak, I live in a non-Chinese environment although I have many opportunities to practice Chinese and have no plans to travel to China.
I'm American-born Chinese, so I grew up with Chinese speaking parents, but I used English and home and in daily life. My listening is strong, everything else is weak. I'm in China currently studying in a Master's program. I'm probably about HSK5-6 in my vocabulary and reading comprehension. If you have any tips for picking up reading/speaking, I'd love to know.
So, hopefully we’ll see quite a few of you tomorrow!
Feel free to put any more questions in via the form, the chat, or when we are live, and we’ll do our best to get to them.
Ps - this is our first try at a live event, so please do share feedback before / after as we develop it.
Hi William -thanks for asking.
Yes - there us a page on the members site on Notion where I keep the recordings.
You should be able to access here (I haven’t uploaded the December session yet)
Have you thought about recording the presentation so that those in other time zones can also benefit?