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China’s biggest coffee chain and its largest liquor brand are coming together in an unlikely partnership.
Kweichow Moutai (贵州茅台 guìzhōu máotái) Luckin Coffee (瑞星咖啡 ruìxīng kāfēi) have partnered to co-create a new flavour of coffee: Moutai Latte (酱香拿铁 jiàngxiāng nátiě).
Or, maybe it should be called “Moutte” 茅铁 máo tiě?
Or, Irish Coffee with Chinese characteristics?
The tagline of the latte evokes drinking language that anyone who's ever drunk Moutai will be familiar with:
"Delicious coffee with liquor, I just love it this way"
"Here's the Moutai-flavoured latte. Come on, chug it down!" [3]
“酱香拿铁 来,走一个!”[3]
The Moutai Latte was released on September 4. It’s made with a liquor-flavoured milk containing less than 0.5% percent of the alcoholic drink.
This is called 含茅量 hán máo liàng - Moutai content
The price is higher than Luckin’s normal 9.9 yuan per cup of coffee: A cup of Moutai Latte will set you back 38 yuan, currently discounted to 19 yuan.
The collaboration was an instant hit. Long queues formed outside Luckin Coffee shops across China, with a number of hashtags topping Weibo’s trending Hot List:
The hot search for "Moutai latte" dominated Weibo all day, with more than a dozen hot searches, and it still took six or seven "places" on the list until late at night.
Sales in the first day were crazy:
The "Maotai Latte" sold over 5.42 million cups on the first day, with the revenue exceeding 100 million yuan. [5]
The two brands are gaining exposure to new audiences: Luckin customers are young and spend their money in the daytime, while Maotai customers are typically older and they are more active at night.
The brand collab even named this new category with a clever play on words:
With the rapid development of the coffee economy and the drinking economy, "Taking C in the morning and A at night" has become a lifestyle choice.
We untangle that phrase and many more below.
So, will it be a marriage made in heaven, or doomed for divorce?
That’s what we explore this week!
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Favourite Five
1. 顶流 dǐng liú
top-tier player
当下的瑞幸可谓之中国咖啡行业的“顶流” - Luckin can be considered the top-tier player in the Chinese coffee industry right now. [4]
Note: This normally refers to people. Here it means the company.
引流 yǐn liú - attracting traffic
2. 联姻 lián yīn
联姻茅台,“嫁入豪门”,名正言顺把产品价格从9.9元拉到19元,或也让瑞幸从价格战泥潭中脱身 - The marriage with Maotai is like "marrying into a wealthy family". It easily justified Luckin's price increase from 9.9 yuan to 19 yuan, perhaps helping it break free from the price war quagmire. [5]
Related: 联名 lián míng - brand collabs
3. 嫁入豪门 jià rù háo mén
marrying into a wealthy family
而此次瑞幸联手茅台,更是有网友调侃作“嫁入豪门” - And this time, as Luckin teamed up with Maotai, some netizens even jokingly called it "marrying into a wealthy family." [4]
Related: These two common phrases are also used metaphorically here:
攀上豪门 pān shàng háo mén - climbing into a wealthy family
傍入豪门 bàng rù háo mén - associating oneself with a wealthy family
4. 早C晚A zǎo C wǎn A
coffee in the morning, alcohol in the evening
咖啡经济与微醺经济迅猛发展的当下,“早C晚A”成为一种生活方式代名词 - With the rapid development of the coffee economy and the drinking economy, "taking C in the morning and A at night" has become a lifestyle choice. [4]
More: We explore this fascinating phrase in this week’s The China Project Phrase of the Week.
5. 别有一番风味 bié yǒu yì fān fēng wèi
have a unique flavour; the uniqueness of something
客人表示,到时肯定会点一杯尝尝鲜,早上用茅台加咖啡醒脑,可能别有一番风味 - Customers say they will definitely order a cup to try it out. Keeping themselves awake in the morning with Maotai and coffee might be a unique experience for them. [2]
Note: A beautiful phrase which first appeared in Qing dynasty novel Flowers in the Mirror (镜花缘) by Lǐ Rǔzhēn 李汝珍, published in 1828.
Consuming the Conversation
Useful words
6. 回甘 huí gān
sweet aftertaste
味道和普通牛奶咖啡差不多,只是回甘的时候有点酒精味 - The taste is similar to regular milk coffee, but there's a slight alcoholic aftertaste. [1]
7. 尝鲜 cháng xiān
try something new
客人表示,到时肯定会点一杯尝尝鲜 - The customers said they would definitely order a cup to try it out. [2]
试水 shì shuǐ - testing the waters
8. 剧透 jù tòu
关于推出含酒饮品的消息,贵州茅台董事长丁雄军早有“剧透” - Regarding the news of launching alcoholic beverages, Ding Xiongjun, Chairman of Guizhou Maotai, had already hinted at it. [3]
Note: Normally of movies or TV dramas.
9. 巨擘 jù bò
big arm; industry giants
除了茅台外,五粮液、泸州老窖、洋河等传统白酒巨擘也都通过推出低度产品、创新口味酒、联名冰淇淋等方式吸引年轻人注意 - In addition to Maotai, traditional Baijiu industry giants like Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao, and Yanghe are also attracting the attention of young people by releasing low-alcohol products, innovative flavored spirits, and ice cream collabs. [3]
Note: Same as 巨头 jù tóu
10. 破圈 pò quān
breaking out of the circle; going mainstream
还将有助于瑞幸一类快消品牌实现“向上”的破圈 - It will also help brands like Luckin Coffee achieve an "upward" breakthrough in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. [4]
Note: Same as 出圈 chū quān
11. 厮杀 sī shā
fierce competition
另一方面,咖啡市场厮杀愈发激烈 - On the other hand, the competition in the coffee market is becoming increasingly fierce. [5]
Three-character phrases
12. 抓眼球 zhuā yǎn qiú
capture attention
茅台和瑞幸的联名,确实短时间可以抓眼球 - The collaboration between Maotai and Luckin Coffee can indeed quickly capture attention. [1]
Note: Same as 博眼球 bó yǎn qiú
13. 护城河 hù chéng hé
moat; competitive advantage as a barrier to entry
与年轻人在一起,抓牢情绪消费才能建立护城河,这也让它对流量更加渴望 - Standing with young people and focusing on emotional consumption is the way to build a competitive moat, which also makes it more eager for traffic. [5]
14. 赢麻了 yíng má le
winning the jackpot
网友调侃,“瑞幸赢麻了” - Netizens jokingly say, "Luckin Coffee hit the jackpot." [5]
Note: An internet slang word.
15. 无出其右 wú chū qí yòu
可以说,茅台的品牌溢价能力在国内无出其右 - It can be said that the brand premium of Maotai is unrivalled in China. [1]
16. 各取所需 gè qǔ suǒ xū
each getting what they need
而瑞幸能跟茅台形成一个联盟,也提升了自身在咖啡行业内的综合实力和品牌调性,所以说是各取所需、强强联合 - By forming an alliance with Moutai, Luckin has also enhanced its overall strength and brand identity in the coffee industry. So it can be said that they are each getting what they need through this strong partnership. [2]
17. 当之无愧 dāng zhī wú kuì
单季度收入规模首次超过星巴克中国,成为当之无愧的“咖啡之王” - With a single-quarter revenue surpassing Starbucks China for the first time, it has rightfully earned the title of "Coffee King". [3]
18. 意想不到 yì xiǎng bú dào
通常靠着IP或意想不到的跨界合作,推出博人眼球的产品 - Typically, they launch eye-catching products through the use of brand identity or unexpected cross-over collaborations. [4]
19. 推波助澜 tuī bō zhù lán
fan the flames
他们讨论这款“顶流”的味道、里面茅台酒的真假及含量,并造梗、打趣,为这波狂热推波助澜 - They discuss the taste of this "top-tier" product, the authenticity and alcohol content of Moutai, create memes, and make jokes, all driving this wave of enthusiasm. [5]
20. 气势如虹 qì shì rú hóng
mighty and formidable
年度经营利润首次扭亏为盈,达11.6亿元,几乎称得上气势如虹 - The annual operating profit turned from a loss to a profit for the first time, reaching a formidable 1.16 billion yuan. [5]
21. 虎视眈眈 hǔ shì dān dān
watch closely like a tiger
Manner、M Stand、幸运咖等品牌正虎视眈眈,中国邮政、李宁等也跨界而来 - Brands like Manner, M Stand, and Luckin Coffee are watching closely like tigers, while China Post and Li-Ning are also entering the scene through cross-sector collaborations. [5]
22. 产品矩阵 chǎn pǐn jǔ xìng
product line
使它整体外延的产品矩阵更加合理 - Improving its extended product line overall.
Note: I usually have an allergic reaction to "business-y" words like "matrix", but this one was in all articles I read - So it had to go in!
23. 近身肉搏 jìn shēn ròu bó
close-quarters combat
今年以来,库迪与瑞幸“近身肉搏”,通过联营紧贴瑞幸开店扩张,并大打价格战 - In recent years, Kudi has been engaging in close-quarters combat with Luckin Coffee by expanding through affiliated shops located near Luckin's stores and engaging in a fierce price war. [5]
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