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IBM cuts 1,000 jobs in minutes amid China layoffs
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IBM cuts 1,000 jobs in minutes amid China layoffs

R&D centres shut down as company faces declining profits

Hello! Big news… This newsletter is celebrating an exciting milestone next week, look out for a note from me which will explain more.

Now, onto this week’s words and phrases!

US computing giant IBM has laid-off more than 1,000 employees in China.

On August 26, IBM announced in an online meeting, which lasted less than three minutes, that it would completely shut down its research and development facilities in China, lay-off the employees working in those facilities in Beijing, Shanghai, and Dalian, and transfer operations to other countries in Asia.

News of the meeting came in the afternoon of the previous work day, according to interviews with employees:

"In the afternoon, some colleagues noticed that their permissions had been revoked and worried that it might affect their work, so they were working closely with the IT department for a solution," Li Yan recalled. 

"In the early hours of the morning, the department head received the layoff notice and informed the employees, who were still anxiously waiting for their access to be restored. We had all anticipated that this day would come, but we didn’t expect it to happen so suddenly."

有同事下午就发现权限被关闭,担心影响工作还一直与IT部门咨询解决方案。”李颜回忆道,凌晨时分,部门领导接到裁员消息后,传达给了还在苦苦等待权限解锁的员工们,“我们都预感到会有这么一天,只是没想到来得如此突然。” [3]

The reason for the sudden closure is increasingly fierce competition in the Chinese market, which is one main theme running through the Chinese media coverage.

IBM dominated the IT systems in China's finance, telecommunications, and energy sectors for many years. But in 2012, the Chinese government began the "De-IOE" initiative (去IOE), which was aimed specifically at reducing China's reliance on the three big global computing companies (IBM, Oracle, and EMC) by supporting the growth of homegrown IT providers.

Since then, IBM's China revenues have steadily declined. But last year, its revenues fell by 19.6% year-on-year. This is in contrast to a 1.6% rise in its revenue across Asia-Pacific, according to the company’s annual report. This year, the trend has continued, with sales in China in the first half of 2024 falling 5%, while Asia-Pacific increased by 4.4% over the same period.

So the layoffs in China, although sudden, do not come as a surprise as they are part of a wider global adjustment across the business:

In 2023, IBM began to take a drastic approach, announcing layoffs of about 1.5% of its global workforce, affecting approximately 3,900 employees.


Another theme in media coverage in China is how IBM's downsizing in the country reflects a wider trend of falling foreign investment into China, which has been slowing for a number of years.  

Before 2000, foreign investment in China grew rapidly at an average annual rate of over 20%. 

From 2000 to 2010, the growth began to slow to around 10%. In the last decade, it further slowed to single digits, with an average annual rate of less than 5%. 

By 2023, foreign investment had started to decline.


Setting aside the geopolitical and economic trends, there is much discussion online discussions about IBM’s severance package, and a specific phrase is in news reports: “N+3” (pronounced "ēn jiā sān").

While the term comes from English, it's widely used in China to describe a severance compensation formula for layoffs. "N" refers to the number of years an employee has worked at the company, and “+3” means an additional three months’ salary on top of the standard severance. For instance, if an employee worked at IBM China for 10 years, an "N+3" package would give them 13 months’ worth of salary.

Rumor has it that IBM is offering "N+3" to its laid-off employees, a compensation package that has reportedly become standard among some multinationals in China in recent years.

However, according to interviews with laid-off staff, many feel this isn't enough, with some expecting severance packages as high as N+6.

So, what's going to happen next? That's what we're exploring this week! 

  • 🎧Podcast Preview: We learn much more about the words and phrases below, and explain the subtle and confusing differences between some of them, in this week’s Member Podcast at 7’ 50”!

Favourite Five

Artwork by Derek Zheng for RealTime Mandarin

1. N+3 ēn jiā sān

compensation of N+3 

根据网友透露,IBM的赔偿方案大概率是N+3 - According to netizens, IBM's compensation plan is likely to be N+3. [1]

2. 国产化 guó chǎn huà 

localisation, produced by domestic brands

实现IT信息系统的国产化替代 - To replace foreign providers of IT systems with domestic ones. [2]

  • Note: 本土化 also means “localisation” but that is more in terms of how a company localises in a market; whereas 国产化 is more about how an entire industry localises and reduced reliance on foreign companies.

3. 断臂求生 duàn bì qiú shēng

taking a drastic approach

2023年,IBM便已经开始“断臂求生”,宣布裁减其全球约1.5%的员工,裁员数量约3900人 - In 2023, IBM began to take a drastic approach, announcing the layoff of about 1.5% of its global workforce, which amounts to around 3,900 employees. [3] 

  • More: A modern variation of another idiom, "a hero cuts off his wrist to save himself" (壮士断腕), which we discuss in tomorrow's Sinica Phrase of the Week

4. 靴子落地 xuē zi luò dì

the other shoe drops, the moment of truth 

千人访问权限被收回后,另一只靴子的声音终于落地了 - As the permissions of thousands were revoked, the other shoe finally dropped. [1] 

5. 起了大早,赶了晚集 qǐ le dà zǎo, gǎn le wǎn jí

early to rise, late to arrive; a day late and a dollar short 

一边创新又一边保守,导致IBM在很多事情上起了大早、赶了晚集 - IBM tried to innovate but on some matters still remained conservative, which means it failed to capitalise on the early innovation it made and lost out to others. [4]

Consuming the Conversation


Useful words 

6. 瘦身 shòu shēn


美国科技公司在中国纷纷瘦身值得关注 - It's worth noting that many American tech companies are downsizing in China. [2]

7. 幸免 xìng miǎn

be spared 

自己汇报的多位领导也未能从此次裁员中幸免 - Several of my supervisors were not spared from this round of layoffs. [3]

8. 决绝 jué jué


曾经的蓝色巨人,为何如此决绝地裁员 - Why did the once-mighty Big Blue lay off its employees in such cold-blooded manner? [3]

9. 腰斩 yāo zhǎn

cut in half

2023年财报显示,营业收入为618.60亿美元,几乎腰斩 - The 2023 financial report shows that revenue was $61.86 billion, nearly halved. [3]

10. 萎缩 wěi suō


IBM大型机业务在国内市场占有率萎缩明显,危机在不断扩大 - IBM's mainframe business saw a significant decline in its market share in China, which shows that the crisis continued to worsen. [3]

11. 骤降 zhòu jiàng


主要合作客户开始偏向国产品牌,在国内收入骤降 - Major clients of IBM began favouring domestic brands, so its revenue in China plummeted. [4]

12. 没落 mò luò


虽说企业没落是一件很正常的事 - Although it's quite normal for a company to decline. [4]

  • Related:

    • 衰落 shuāi luò - decline, wane

13. 围剿 wéi jiǎo

encircle and annihilate, besiege 

结果在微软、谷歌、亚马逊等一众大厂的围剿下,新产品还是反响平平 - Under the siege of major companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon, IBM's  new product only received a lukewarm response. [4]

Three-character phrases

14. 一锅端 yì guō duān

wipe out, take out in one go 

周一上午顶着大雨参加全员在线会议,IBM全部研发一锅端 - On Monday morning, he like everyone else attended the online townhall despite the heavy rain, where IBM took out its entire R&D team in one go. [1]

15. 存在感 cún zài gǎn

presence, visibility 

虽说搞得“风生水起”,但比起AI的大热,IBM的存在感还是太低了 - Although IBM has caused quite a stir (in quantum computing), it still lacks presence in the AI boom. [4]

16. 占上风 zhàn shàng fēng

prevail, gain the upper hand 

最终还是保守和谨慎占了上风,这就导致IBM抓风口的能力越来越难 - In the end, conservatism and caution prevailed, making it increasingly difficult for IBM to seize opportunities. [4]


17. 取而代之 qǔ ér dài zhī

replace, take the place of 

没有了烦琐的工作邮件,取而代之的是一封周一召开全员线上大会的通知 - The tedious work emails were replaced by a notice for an all-hands online meeting on Monday. [3]

18. 言犹在耳 yán yóu zài ěr

words still ringing in ears

言犹在耳,1000多名中国研发人员却已“被告别” - The words were still ringing in their ears, yet over 1,000 Chinese developers had already been sent off. [3]

19. 屡试不爽 lǚ shì bù shuǎng

tried and tested

这种封闭式的创新模式在当时来说可谓屡试不爽 - This closed innovation model was used many times with success. [4]

20. 大刀阔斧 dà dāo kuò fǔ

bold and decisive, drastic 

IBM在路易斯·郭士纳到来之后开始了大刀阔斧的改革 - Bold and decisive reforms began in IBM after the arrival of Louis Gerstner. [4]


21. 降本增效 jiàng běn zēng xiào

cost reduction and efficiency enhancement 

关闭中国的研发中心,转移到成本更低的国家,就成为IBM降本增效的重要选择 - Shutting down the R&D centre in China and relocating it to countries with lower costs became an important step for IBM to reduce costs and increase effeciency. [2]

22. 科技围堵 kē jì wéi dǔ

technological containment, tech blockade 

一些美国的高科技公司,更是在美国对中国的科技围堵战略之下,缩减对中国的投资规模 - With the tech blockade of the US against China, some US tech companies reduced their investment in the country. [2]

23. 只开花不结果 zhǐ kāi huā bù jiē guǒ

bloom but bear no fruit; looks good but it doesn't produce any result 

不仅是AI领域没赶上好时代,IBM在半导体行业也算是“只开花不结果” - Not only did IBM miss out on the boom in AI, it also didn't bear any fruit with its semiconductor development. [4]

24. 忆往昔峥嵘岁月 yì wǎng xī zhēng róng suì yuè

reminisce about the glorious days of the past 

还有人忆起了往昔峥嵘岁月,称自己「把青春留在了那里」 - Some people even started to reminisce about the glorious days of the past, saying they "left their youth there". [1]

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