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Consumer confidence collapses in Beijing and Shanghai
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Consumer confidence collapses in Beijing and Shanghai

Consumer data signals more economic hardship to come

Recently published consumption data for November 2024 has shown a rapid decline in consumer confidence in Beijing and Shanghai. 

This is in contrast to China as a whole, which saw a modest increase in retail sales in November, with a year-on-year growth of 3%, driven largely by strong automotive sales—surging by 16.5%—and restaurant sales which grew by 4%. 

Yet, Beijing and Shanghai tell a very different story. Over the first 11 months of 2024, consumption in these two major cities declined by 2.8% and 3.1% respectively.

In November, this decline turned into a sharp collapse.

Beijing’s total retail sales of consumer goods fell to approximately $17.5 billion (¥127.5 billion), marking a steep 14.1% year-on-year drop. Shanghai fared no better, with its total consumer spend reaching approximately $19.8 billion (¥144.3 billion), but still experiencing a significant 13.5% decline.

In November, the retail sales growth rates in Beijing and Shanghai declined to -14.1% and -13.5% respectively.


  • Note: 社零 shè líng means "total retail sales of consumer goods" (short for 社会消费品零售总额)

This collapse in consumer spending is wide-ranging: Beijing’s restaurant revenue fell by 4.2%, while retail sales plunged from a modest 1.4% growth last year to a stark 14.9% contraction. Meanwhile, Shanghai saw even steeper declines, with retail and apparel sales dropping by 20.3% and 7.4%, respectively.

These sharp declines are part of a larger trend of "consumer downgrading" (消费降级), evident in other areas as well. For example, in Shanghai, the rise of budget “group take-out” (拼好饭) services reflects shifting consumer priorities, which also saw over half of the city's high-end restaurants closing down over the past year.

This exposes the financial pressures faced by people living in these cities such as the fall in foreign investment, talent flight due to the high cost of living, the lack of graduate employment opportunities, and young homeowners becoming over-leveraged, or even homeless due to the ongoing crisis in the property market.

Even the 'lipstick effect' (口红效应), where consumers typically turn to small indulgences during economic downturns, has not materialised in China as it has in other economies.

Consumer data for 2024 reveals a significant drop in discretionary spending, with cosmetics seeing the largest decline—a year-on-year decrease of 26.4% in Beijing and Shanghai.

This highlights the growing pessimism surrounding the future of China's economy.

This shows that people’s pockets are empty, and their confidence in the future is completely gone.  


But this is just one short-term consequence of a broader economic downturn, as one finance blogger suggests: 

Weak consumption is not just a short-term issue—it reflects a long-term structural flaw. 

For years in China, there has been an emphasis on investment and production, while the importance of consumption has been neglected. 

Some even believe that consumption is merely frivolous spending that makes people lazy—which is completely misguided.


So that’s what we’re exploring this week!

  • 🎧 Member Podcast Preview: This week, we explore the fascinating world of talking about data in Chinese and learn how to describe numbers that shock, impress, or meet expectations. We’ll cover the basics like “harsh” or “alarming” (刺眼) vs. “brilliant” (亮眼) and dive into advanced idioms such as “stunned” or “speechless” (瞠目结舌) vs. “falling within expectations” (中规中矩). Tune in at the 5-minute mark to master these key phrases!

Favourite Five 

Artwork by Derek Zheng for RealTime Mandarin

1. 低迷 dī mí

economic downturn

房地产行业的低迷,必然会引发一系列经济连锁反应 - The downturn in the real estate industry will inevitably trigger a ripple effect across the economy. [3]

  • Related:

    • 萎靡 wěi mǐ – sluggish, dispirited

    • 乏力 fá lì - lack of strength, sluggish

    • 疲弱 pí ruò - weak, sluggish

2. 衰退 shuāi tuì

decline, recession

当这些行业开始衰退的时候,自然就会降薪裁员 - When these industries begin to decline, salary cuts and layoffs are to be expected. [2] 

  • Related:

    • 颓势 tuí shì - downward trend, decline 

3. 雪上加霜 xuě shàng jiā shuāng

to make things worse

雪上加霜的是,年轻人的就业机会正在急剧减少 - To make matters worse, job opportunities for young people are rapidly decreasing. [3]

4. 荡然无存 dàng rán wú cún

completely gone

他们对未来的信心,早已荡然无存 - Their confidence in the future has long since vanished. [3]  

  • More: Read more about this idiom in the Sinica Phrase of the Week on Sunday.

5. 消费降级 xiāo fèi jiàng jí

consumption downgrade

也只有走上消费降级,扩大食客基础的道路 - The only way out is to embrace the consumption downgrade and broaden their customer base. [1] 

  • More: We have discussed this phrase a number of times in 2024, for example in relation to China’s property crisis.

  • Related: 

    • 平替 píng tì - affordable alternative

    • 理性消费 lǐxìng xiāofèi - rational consumption

    • 可选消费 kě xuǎn xiāo fèi - discretionary spend

Consuming the Conversations

One of the challenges for policy makers in Beijing and Shanghai (Source: 左岸巴黎)

Useful words

6. 刺眼 cì yǎn

harsh, glaring

可北京和上海的数字却特别刺眼,双位数下跌 - However, the numbers in Beijing and Shanghai are particularly glaring, showing double-digit declines. [1]

7. 缩水 suō shuǐ

shrink, devalue

京沪的中产在房产缩水、就业前景不明的状况下的消费降级 - The middle class in Beijing and Shanghai is experiencing consumption downgrade due to shrinking property values and uncertain job prospects. [1]

  • Related:

    • 萎缩 wěi suō - shrink, atrophy

8. 杠杆 gàng gǎn

leverage, financial leverage

买套很普通的房子就可能需要贷款几百万,居民杠杆压力是非常大的 - As residents may need to take out a mortgage of several million yuan to buy any flat, they face enormous financial pressure. [2]

9. 扛鼎 gāng dǐng

bear the burden, take the lead

居民这几年已经开始牺牲消费来扛鼎了 - In recent years, residents have begun to lower their consumption to bear the (financial) burden. [2] 

  • More: This is an interesting phrase! We explain more in the Member Podcast!

10. 崩塌 bēng tā

collapse, crumble

最富裕的两座城市的消费市场已经遭遇崩塌 - The consumer markets in the two wealthiest cities have already collapsed. [3]

11. 活路 huó lù

a way out

许多人甚至不得不离开北京、上海,去往其他城市寻求活路 - Many people have even had to leave Beijing and Shanghai to make a living in other cities. [3]

12. 窟窿 kū long

hole, deficit

靠发放消费券来弥补这笔窟窿,真的能行得通吗 - Can issuing consumption vouchers really fill in the gaps? [3]

13. 返贫 fǎn pín

return to poverty

谁能否认,这已经不是所谓的“全面小康”,而是集体返贫的开始? - Can anyone deny that this is no longer what they call "moderate prosperity",but the beginning of a collective return to poverty? [3]

Three-character phrases

14. 躺不平 tǎng bù píng

can't lie flat

除非是家境富裕的土著,一线城市的生活是躺不平的 - Unless you are a wealthy local, life in first-tier cities doesn't allow for passivity. [2] 

  • Related: 

    • 卷不动,躺不平 juǎn bú dòng, tǎng bù píng - unable to keep up with the rat race, yet can't afford to lie flat

15. 晴雨表 qíng yǔ biǎo

barometer, indicator

北京和上海的消费数据,实际上在某种程度上就是中国经济的晴雨表 - To some extent, the consumption data of Beijing and Shanghai serve as a barometer of the Chinese economy. [3]

  • Related:

    • 风向标 fēng xiàng biāo - weathervane, trend indicator

16. 保不住 bǎo bú zhù

unable to maintain, can't keep

普通民众连最基本的生存需求都快要保不住了 - Ordinary people are barely able to meet their most basic needs. [3]


17. 刻不容缓 kè bù róng huǎn

urgent, cannot be delayed

扩大内需,特别是在居民消费上给予更大的力度的补助已经刻不容缓了 - It is imperative for the governemnt to expand domestic demand, especially by providing stronger support for household consumption. [2]

18. 遥不可及 yáo bù kě jí

unattainable, out of reach

这就意味着,消费升级早已变得遥不可及 - This means that the consumption upgrade has long become unattainable. [3]

19. 瞠目结舌 chēng mù jié shé

dumbfounded, stunned

这个数字令人瞠目结舌 - This number is truly shocking. [3]

  • More: we discuss this more in the Member Podcast.

  • Related:

    • 中规中矩 zhōng guī zhōng jǔ - within the expected range

20. 立竿见影 lì gān jiàn yǐng

immediate effect, instant result

这证明补贴消费的效果是立竿见影的,未来这样的补贴应该会越来越多,值得期待 - This proves that subsidising consumption brings an instant result. In the future, we can expect more subsidies of similar nature to come. [2]

21. 求之不得 qiú zhī bù dé

something one could only wish for, highly desirable

生活成本下降,企业外派员工自然求之不得 - Lower living costs are naturally something expatriate employees could only wish for. [1]


22. 吃饱穿暖 chī bǎo chuān nuǎn

basic necessities, having enough to eat and wear

现在的消费基本都是吃饱穿暖,实在很难再去省了 - Current household consumption is mostly spent on basic necessities, so it's really hard to spend any less. [2]

23. 致命一击 zhì mìng yì jī

fatal blow

对于这些曾经引领消费的城市来说,这无疑是经济上的致命一击 - For these cities that used to set the trend of consumption, this is undoubtedly a fatal blow to their economy. [3]

24. 时代的红利 shí dài de hóng lì

dividends of the era, benefits of the times

把时代的红利当成自己的本事,这显然是一种错觉 - They mistook this windfall from an era of economic growth for their personal achievement. [2]

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